Sports and Remedial Massage

Sports and remedial massage uses a range of techniques to help address balance and
dysfunction in the body, to help with rehab of injuries and after surgery, and prehab before surgery. In general to keep your body in top condition for sports and just for living and working: including repetitive strain, impingement issues, frozen shoulder, golfers and
tennis elbow, piriformis syndrome, thoracic outlet, and any tight muscles causing
inbalance in the body and therefore pain and strain patterns throughout the entire body. Sarah is qualified to advanced level in sports and remesial massage and new from January 2023 (having studied and been awarded a distinction in integrated myofascial release throughout 2022), myofascial release techniques may now also be used if they are
appropriate to your treatment.

Fascia is connective tissue in the body that surrounds, supports and separates every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fibre and muscle in the body, and creates glide between
structures. It contains more nerve endings than the eye or the skin. Releasing fascia has a global effect on the entire body.